You can access all materials in I-Learn. There are 24 lessons. We will complete two lessons per week. Each lesson contains three parts: (1) Preparation, (2) Class Meeting, and (3) Homework.
1. Preparation
You prepare for each Class Meeting both individually and with your group, in that order.
First, Individual Preparation
We’ve prepared pre-structured notes for each lesson, which guide you through the key concepts and ideas from the assigned Online Textbook Reading.
The structured notes, which makes up the individual preparation, has two parts.
Part I – asks you to define new terms and write down relevant formulas prior from the reading.
Part II – asks you to complete questions that help you apply what you have learned.
After completing your individual preparation, you participate in your Group Meeting.
Second, Group Preparation
You meet with your group twice a week. Each Group Meeting occurs prior to your Class Meeting for that lesson, with two lessons occuring per week. During the Group Meeting you’ll do the following:
- Start by discussing questions any of you have from Part II of your individual preparation assignment.
- Take the Group Meeting Quiz together. The first three questions on each quiz are:
- T/F. I completed Part I of the Preparation Assignment.
- T/F. I completed the answers of Part II of the Preparation Assignment.
- T/F. I met with my group and completed the Group Meeting Quiz with them.
- After you submit the quiz, your teacher will go over the results and provide feedback.
2. Class Meeting
You attend class meetings twice a week. Class Meetings occur after your Individual Preparation and Group Preparation. In class you will participate in activities that build upon your preparation. Each professor organizes and teaches their class meeting differently. For example, you may tackle case studies or complete some of the homework problems. Your instructor will let you know what to expect in class.
3. Homework
After each Class Meeting you complete a Homework assignment that allows you to prove your understanding. The homework contains two parts, an assignment and a quiz.
Part I, The Homework Assignment
In the homework assignment you can solidify your understanding of the concepts from the lesson. An answer key is provided, and you may rework the problems as many times as needed. You may work with other students on the homework assignment.
Part II, The Homework Quiz
When you finish the homework assignment you then take the homework quiz in I-Learn by yourself. This allows both you and your teacher to track your progress in the course and ensure you are acheiving the outcomes of the course.