Welcome to Math 221

We are excited for you to begin your journey in statistics. We hope you find this class an exciting and rewarding growing experience. You will have access to many resources to help you succeed.

The class you signed up for will follow one of the following cadences.

Schedule Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1 Group Meeting Class Meeting Group Meeting Class Meeting
2 Class Meeting Group Meeting Class Meeting Group Meeting
3 Class Meeting Group Meeting Class Meeting Group Meeting

This cadence allows us to focus in-class time on expanding the ideas you’ve gained through preparation. We understand that this course design may be entirely new for many of you. However, current educational research shows that this hybrid setting is more efficient and effective than a traditional lecture.

The reading below describes what you can expect from the course. We look forward to meeting you and working with you this semester.

Course Outcomes

In this course, you will:

  • Develop skills in using statistical software tools (e.g., spreadsheets).
  • Determine the correct statistical procedures to use in a given situation.
  • Explain how the Central Limit Theorem applies in inference.
  • Interpret the meaning of confidence intervals in context.
  • Interpret the results of hypothesis tests.
  • Make informed decisions, based on the results of inferential procedures.
  • Develop skills and confidence as a disciple leader.

Course Materials

You will need the following:

  • This (free) Online Textbook
  • A laptop with access to:
    • I-Learn
    • Excel 2016 (Free download at byuistore.com)
    • Google Hangouts (for some classes). Check with your instructor about how you will be meeting with your groups during the Group Meeting times. If you are meeting with your group in Google Hangouts you can follow the instructions on I-Learn in Resources ~ Course Resources ~ Software Setup to help you get set up.

Note: Your instructor can help you with any of the above if needed.